Weekly Prayer Update
Good News: Trump Administration Considering Rule That Would Help Little Sisters Of The Poor
June 5, 2017

Read this and other attacks on faith from Weekly Prayer Update 5/30-6/5

“President Donald Trump’s administration ‘is poised to make changes to Obamacare’s birth control coverage mandate by granting broad exemptions to employers that object on religious or moral grounds,’ The Hill reported.” Email the White House to show you support this rule.  Read more here.

For anyone who thinks religious discrimination is non-existent in America, the attorneys at First Liberty Institute have a different story. First Liberty announced the release of Undeniable: The Survey of Hostility to Religion in America (2016). It is available online here, free of charge.  

State Prayer Points

Religious Liberty Legislation

Continue praying consistently and fervently for the successful passage of legislation that effectively protects our Judeo-Christian heritage and religious liberty. e conversations with coworkers.”

MI: Farmer Banned For Beliefs

“…Steve Tennes, who owns a 120-acre farm in Charlotte, Michigan, expressed his traditional view about marriage on the farm’s Facebook page. This drew a warning from an official more than 20 miles away in East Lansing, Michigan, that if Tennes tried to sell his fruit at the city’s farmers market, it could incite protests.”

MS:  Legal Challenges To Religious Freedom Law Continues

“A federal appeals court is going to decide whether the government can step on the religious rights of Mississippi residents on behalf of a small group of vocal Americans…Governor Bryant recently appeared as a guest on American Family Radio. He argued that there are many examples in which the government accommodated religious beliefs. In one example, he pointed out that world champion boxer Muhammad Ali refused in April 1967 to serve in the military during the Vietnam War, citing the tenets of his Muslim faith.*”

NM: FFRF Trying To End Prayer At Senior Center

From FFRF website: “The Freedom From Religion Foundation is protesting the …practice of prayer at a government-funded senior citizens center in New Mexico.”

TX: Federal Court Asked To Protect Prayer

“A federal court is being asked to dismiss the lawsuit against a Texas justice of the peace who allows chaplains to pray in his courtroom. “

VT: Physicians Stand For Religious Freedom, And Win

“Four years ago, Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin signed Act 39, which legalized doctor-assisted suicide. Furthermore, the Vermont Board of Medical Practice and Office of Professional Regulations interpreted the law to mean healthcare professionals would be required to counsel patients on assisted suicide as an option and refer them to physicians who would write prescriptions for the lethal drugs.”

National Prayer Opportunities

Congressional Prayer Caucus

Congressional Prayer: Each week Congress is in session, members of Congressional Prayer Caucus meet before votes to pray in Room 219 of the U.S. Capitol.

There are over 100 Members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus, a bipartisan and bicameral caucus, that is spearheading a strategic movement of national, state and local leaders and citizens who are working together to promote prayer, protect religious freedom and restore, upgrade and popularize America’s founding spirit and the principles related to faith and morality that shaped this Great Republic. Please commit to praying for them, their families, and staff daily. 

Pray For Our President And All Those In Authority 

“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” 1 Tim. 2, Psalm 91 

Include: Judicial Branch, Legislative Branch, Executive Branch, Military, Faith Leaders, First Responders, Etc.

David’s Tent 

Join people from across the nation for 24/7 Worship in Washington DC. They welcome worship teams from every tribe, tongue, nation, denomination, and all 50 U.S. states. Learn more here

Prayer for Religious Freedom Internationally

Egypt: Cairo To Continue Targeting ISIS

“Egypt made clear on Monday that it planned to press ahead with air strikes against Islamist militants in neighboring Libya who it says were responsible for killing Egyptian Christians in an ambush…”

Prayer for The CPCF, Our Team, and Our Initiatives

Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation

American Prayer Caucus Network

In God We Trust. Put It Up!

PrayUSA: Government Leaders Calling The Nation To Prayer

Prayer for Others on the Religious Liberty Front

There are many organizations on the front lines that need our prayers.
Alliance Defending Freedom, ACLJ, Becket Law, Liberty Counsel, First LibertyFamily Research Council, The Heritage Foundation, Chaplain Alliance For Religious Liberty and any others that come to mind.

Prayer for Those That Oppose Us

Freedom From Religion Foundation
Secular Coalition for America
Military Religious Freedom Foundation