“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.” – President Ronald Reagan
National Prayer Points
‘In God We Trust’ Motto On Currency Deemed Constitutional By Court After Atheists Complain
The 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in St. Paul, Minnesota upheld the use of “In God We Trust” on currency after 29 atheists, children of atheists, and atheist groups claimed the motto violated their First Amendment rights. The court deemed the use of the motto constitutional in a 3-0 decision, claiming that it was not coercive and has been in longstanding use, according to Reuters.
Please pray for wisdom for the U.S. as it considers ways to address persecution around the world, including particularly dangerous situations for Rohingya Muslims in Burma, Uighur Muslims in China, and Christians in Nigeria.
Canada: University Caves, Drops Moral Code
“A Christian university in Canada caved to the pressure of a number of law societies and removed its pledge committing students to biblical moral conduct – so that its graduating students can be accredited in the nation’s legal system.”
Pakistan: US Pressing To End Persecution
“Christians in Pakistan are facing torture, police abuse and death for their faith, and international leaders are being called to confront the Pakistani government for turning a blind eye to the violent persecution.”
Turkey: Imprisoned Pastor Released On Home Arrest
“The ACLJ represents the family of Pastor Andrew – a U.S. citizen from Black Mountain, North Carolina – who has spent nearly 21 months imprisoned in Turkey because of his Christian faith. Pastor Andrew has been on trial for the crime of “Christianization,” and the ACLJ has been working in this country and abroad to secure his freedom.
We have confirmed that the Turkish government has issued an order releasing Pastor Andrew from prison and allowing him to be returned to his home in Turkey. This is a critical first step that we believe will result in the freedom of Pastor Andrew so he can return to the United States and be reunited with his family.”
State Prayer Points
Religious Liberty Legislation: Continue praying consistently and fervently for the successful passage of legislation that effectively protects our Judeo-Christian heritage and First Amendment Rights. Also, pray that bills and resolutions that undermine our Rights will be unsuccessful.
The CPCF legal team has researched best practices legislation and provided talking points on various religious freedom topics to assist legislators. Download their Report. View a model school invocation policy.
AZ: Arizona Supreme Court Rejects ABA Political Correctness Rule
The Arizona Supreme Court on August 30, following receipt of comments by CPCF and other organizations and individuals, rejected the American Bar Association’s proposed Rule 8.4(g), which would regulate and restrict speech and conduct of lawyers regarding religiously sensitive social issues such as sexual orientation and gender identity. CPCF will continue to fight this proposed rule as it is considered in other states, explaining that it would violate an attorney’s free speech, free assembly, free exercise, and due process rights.
“Vientos Community Preservation Association (Association) and Donald Armstrong, which attempts to force the City of Thousand Oaks to discriminate against a California church and a non-profit organization. The Association is fine with having a YMCA rent the facility, but objects to a church renting the same facility. Such biased discrimination is often referred to as ‘Not in my back yard’ (NIMBY).”
CA: Chino Valley School Board Appealing To Supreme Court
“The Chino Valley Unified school board is asking a higher power for help in its ongoing legal battle over prayer at meetings: the U.S. Supreme Court. A week after the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against the board, a majority of its members voted at a special meeting Wednesday, Aug. 1, to direct legal counsel to file a petition with the Supreme Court for a review of the ruling. The filing may include a petition for the 9th Circuit rehearing the case in an en banc session, in which all of the court’s judges, and not just a three-member panel, reconsider the case.”
“The author of a high-profile measure to curb paid ‘conversion therapy,’ which purports to change a person’s sexual orientation, said he is shelving his bill Friday in hopes of finding consensus with religious communities that vigorously opposed the proposal.”
HI: Attorney General Out Of Bounds To Intimidate Churches, Charitable Orgs
“Alliance Defending Freedom sent a letter Monday to Hawaii Attorney General Russell Suzuki in response to a news release he issued last month with misleading information about how the federal tax code applies to nonprofits, including churches. The news release seeks to silence churches and non-profit charitable organizations by inappropriately threatening their tax-exempt status if they speak about political issues during the upcoming election season. The ADF letter explains that not only is the information Suzuki issued overstated and lopsided—telling churches and other nonprofits what they supposedly can’t do but saying very little about what they can do—but he also has no authority to enforce federal tax law.”
MD: Fourth Circuit Calling For War Memorial In Shape Of Cross To Be Demolished
CPCF Legal Team: The case involves the Bladensburg Peace Cross, a memorial to area men who died in the First World War. It has stood since 1925 without bothering anyone until in 2014 the American Humanist Association felt that the monument violates the Constitution’s establishment clause. The district judge tossed the case, holding that the tiny amount of government money that is spent on upkeep does not endorse religion. The Fourth Circuit held 2-1 that this offends the First Amendment. On the petition for rehearing en banc the court declined by 8-6. Pray that the Supreme Court takes this case and reverses the Fourth Circuit ruling.
NY: After 95 Years, NY Rules End Catholic Adoption And Foster Services In Buffalo
VA: Bible Studies Banned From Public And Private Areas
“Attorneys representing a pro-religious organization have sent a letter to a Fredericksburg, VA-based senior living operator, alleging that rules against Bible studies in a community room constitute religious discrimination.”
WA: Our Teachers Need Prayer And To Be Allowed To Pray
The Ninth Circuit has upheld the firing of a high school football coach because, after a game, he went to the middle of the field and silently kneeled and thanked God. He had earlier acquiesced in the school’s request not to invite players to join him, but his kneeling when students could see him was enough for the court to say his private action was not protected. The logic of this ruling reaches a multitude of actions by teachers, such as having a Bible on the desk, wearing an hijab on the head or a cross on a necklace, and having a bumper sticker showing a church affiliation. The coach has requested the Supreme Court to review the case, and CPCF is joining a brief asking the Court to do so as well. Pray that the Court will do so and protect the right of teachers to pray in appropriate circumstances.
Prayer for the American Prayer Caucus Network and CPCFoundation
The American Prayer Caucus Network is a nationwide network of nearly 1,000 federal and state elected leaders who are standing for faith and impacting the culture. Please join us in praying daily for them, their families, and staff.
Each week Congress is in session, members of Congressional Prayer Caucus meet before votes to pray in Room 219 of the U.S. Capitol. Please pray for the CPC to continue to grow and be increasingly effective for generations to come.
Pray for our President and all Those in Authority
“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” 1 Tim. 2, Psalm 91
Include: Judicial Branch, Legislative Branch, Executive Branch, Military, Faith Leaders, First Responders, Etc.
The Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation
The Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation, a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization created to support government leaders who wish to partner prayer with legislative and citizen action to protect our Judeo-Christian heritage and religious freedom. Please pray for the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation team, our State Directors, legal team, Board of Directors, web developers, technical team, production team, design and graphics team, CPCF intercessors and donors.
Join the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation Prayer Team!
Email me to join the CPCF Prayer Team! Commit to praying for the Members and families of the Congressional Prayer Caucus, The American Prayer Caucus Network, and the CPCFoundation.
Prayer for Anti-Faith Groups
Freedom From Religion Foundation
American Civil Liberties Union
American Humanists Association
American Atheists
Secular Coalition for America
Military Religious Freedom Foundation
Southern Poverty Law Center