Current Issues

The Lord’s Prayer – Student to Join Lawsuit Against District
April 13, 2010

MILTON — The Liberty Counsel has named a Milton High School senior as a plaintiff in a possible lawsuit against

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Atheists’ suit against ministers’ housing allowance lands in Federal Appeals Court
April 9, 2010

Opening briefs were filed last week with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco in a lawsuit filed

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ACLJ Represents Members of Congress in Urging Federal Appeals Court to Uphold Constitutionality of Pledge of Allegiance in NH Schools
April 7, 2010

(Washington, DC) – The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) is urging a federal appeals court to uphold the

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Debate: Keep the IRS Away From the Pulpit
April 7, 2010

(April 6) — Pastors and churches shouldn’t live in fear of being punished or penalized by the government. But in

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ADF attorneys to debate in RI, Ariz. on Supreme Court case involving Christian student group
April 6, 2010

Alliance Defense Fund attorneys will participate in two law school debates next week sponsored by campus chapters of The Federalist

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