Current Issues

Historic Action for Faith and Freedom
May 4, 2018

Faith and freedom took another surge forward in America yesterday! As millions across the country joined in praying for unity

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Join me and others TODAY for the National Day of Prayer
May 3, 2018

Prayer is powerful. Prayer transcends race, political affiliation, and all other cultural barriers. Prayer brings UNITY. Prayer changes things. Today

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Air Force Restores Colonel Punished for Religious Beliefs
April 3, 2018

This was a clear victory for religious freedom! Col. Bohannon is a war hero. He has flown combat missions in

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Celebrating Our Faith
April 1, 2018

Spring is here, the flowers and trees are unveiling their blooms, and signs of new life are beginning to emerge

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Humanist Chaplain? Denied.
March 22, 2018

Thanks to the quick response and a united effort, the erroneous attempt to imbed humanist chaplains in the military and

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