In God We Trust Motto Overview
Law and Policy Contacts/Additional Resources
- In God We Trust. Put It Up! Initiative:
- Primary Contact: Lea Carawan, President, Executive Director
- Mission: An initiative to advance religious liberty and America’s Judeo-Christian heritage
- Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF)
- Primary Contact: Alan Sears, Esq., President, CEO
- Mission: An alliance-building legal organization that advocates for the right of people to freely life out their faith.
- Liberty Counsel:
- Primary Contact: Mathew Staver, Esq., President, CEO
- Mission: An international nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of life and the family.
- Pacific Justice Institute:
- Primary Contact: Brad Dacus, Esq., President
- Mission: A legal defense organization specializing in the defense of religious freedom, parental rights and other civil liberties.
- WallBuilders:
- Primary Contact: David Barton
- Mission: An organization dedicated to presenting America’s forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on the moral, religious and constitutional foundation of which America was built.
- See Attachment titled, A Constitutional Amendment Protecting School Prayer and Other Religious Speech (2001) by David Barton/WallBuilders
- National Legal Foundation:
- Primary Contact: Steven Fitschen, Esq., President
- Mission: A Christian public interest law firm dedicated to the preservation of America’s freedom and constitutional rights.
- See also.
- American Center for Law and Justice:
- Primary Contact: Jay Sekulow, Esq., President
- Mission: To protect religious and constitutional freedoms by engaging in legal, legislative and cultural issues through advocacy, education and litigation.
- The Story of Our National Motto
- Primary Contact: Mike Fuljenz
- In God We Trust:
- Primary Contact: Bishop Council Nedd
- Mission: To protect America’s religious heritage