In God We Trust Motto Overview
States with Successfully Enacted Legislative Initiatives/Authors, Sponsors
- Colorado (July 6, 2000): Posting of the motto in public schools: The Colorado State Board of Education voted 5-1 to approve a non-binding resolution that encouraged the “appropriate display” of the “In God We Trust” motto in public schools and other public buildings. This is believed to be the first such resolution by a state board in the United States. The vote was divided on party lines: five Republicans were in favor and one Democrat was opposed.
- Mississippi (June, 2001): The legislature passed an unfunded mandate to require all public classrooms, auditoriums and cafeterias to display the national motto. State Senator Alan Nunnalee, sponsor of the legislation, said, “Prayer and the Ten Commandments have been removed from the classrooms, and I was looking for a way to put back the values I feel that our country was founded upon. Educators know that visual reinforcement is an important part of learning. And if that’s the case, it’s important that we visually reinforce the foundation of our nation.” Kenneth Briggs, a printer from Perl, MS, donated 35,000 posters containing the motto to Mississippi’s schools.
- See re: HB 51.
- Virginia (May 29, 2002): Virginia Gov. Mark Warner signed a bill into law that requires public schools to hang posters containing the motto “In God We Trust.” Apparently there was no mechanism for funding the posters. However, a private donor contributed the necessary money to print and distribute the posters.
- Florida (June 22, 2006): In recognition of the national motto and the great seal of the State of Florida, Gov. Jeb Bush signed House Bill No. 1145 adopting “In God We Trust” as the official state motto.
- Kentucky (March, 2014): State legislators authorized the display of the national motto, which now hangs in 11 committee rooms in the State Capitol and Capitol Annex, where legislators have offices and meeting rooms.
- North Carolina
- North Carolina (January, 2015): Belville and Brunswick County Boards of Commissioners unanimously approved the display of the national motto.
- North Carolina (January, 2015): The Pender County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to add the national motto above the county seal in the Board’s meeting hall.
- Georgia (January, 2015): Conyers-Rockdale County Board of Commissioners voted to display the national motto in the Assembly Hall where regular meetings are held.
- Maine (2016): Maine Prayer Caucus Chairman, Senator Dave Burns, sponsored a Resolution, which supports and encourages the display of America’s National Motto in homes, houses of worship, all public buildings, schools and other government institutions.
- Oklahoma (2016): House Resolution 1063 reflects that religious freedom is the cornerstone of a free society and reinforces that America’s identity was birthed from these powerful words, “In God We Trust”.
- Utah: Governor Gary Herbert has signed a bill that allows Utah residents to choose an “In God We Trust” license plate as one of the standard license plate options. Under H.B. 127, the “In God We Trust” license plate option will become a standard option, alongside the existing Greatest Snow On Earth Skier and Life Elevated Arches options.
- Texas (2015): Representative Richard Peña Raymond (Laredo), Chairman of the House Committee on Human Services, joined Governor Greg Abbott at the Capitol for a bill signing ceremony for HB 315, the “In God We Trust” specialty license plates bill passed by Chairman Raymond. Any revenues that are collected from the sale of these specialty license plates will be given to the Texas Veterans Commission to assist Veterans.
- Pennsylvania (2016): House Bill 1640 , introduced by Jefferson County Republican state Rep. Cris Dush, would encourage — but not require — that the national motto be posted in all public school buildings, along with the Bill of Rights. The bill, dubbed the National Motto Display Act, cleared the state House on a 179-20 bipartisan vote.
- Deleware (2016): In a unanimous vote, Delaware Senators passed a resolution commemorating July 30, 2016 as the 60th Anniversary of “In God We Trust” as the official Motto of the United States.