Current Issues

60th Anniversary ‘In God We Trust’ Blitz a Huge Success!
August 4, 2016

The response to the “In God We Trust” Anniversary Blitz has been overwhelming! Thanks to all of our partners, inspired

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In God We Trust Celebration!
July 18, 2016

Friends… We have some exciting news to share! We are seeing a groundswell movement in the United States that once

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“First They Came” …Will History Repeat Itself?
July 18, 2016

Recently in California, state legislators have been pushing a bill to the forefront of the state agenda that will have

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Our National Identity in Peril
June 17, 2016

As the tragic events unfolded in Orlando, Florida, we were once again confronted by the growing reality of senseless violence.

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“In God We Trust” – Standing Up for Our National Motto
May 26, 2016

This year marks the 60th Anniversary of when President Eisenhower signed a law on July 30, 1956, making “In God

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