Current Issues

Supreme Court Opinion Weakens Religious Freedom
June 26, 2015

Earlier today, the Court issued a 5-4 opinion holding that the Due Process and Establishment Clauses of the 14th Amendment

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Our Leaders are Mobilizing Around Prayer
June 17, 2015

All over the country, churches and government leaders are sounding the alarmand calling people of faith to wake up, to

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Michigan Legislators Organize Prayer Event for Pastors
June 11, 2015

Last week in the capital city of Lansing, 15 legislators from the Michigan Legislative Prayer Caucus, organized and hosted a

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PrayUSA Initiative Exploding
June 3, 2015

Is anyone listening? People of faith have long cried out for a voice that will resonate in the national halls

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56 Members of Congress Sign an Open Letter on Prayer
May 7, 2015

Today is the 64th National Day of Prayer. The following is a letter signed by 56 members of the House

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