Weekly Prayer Update
Pensacola Cross Will Stand!
February 24, 2020

“The First Amendment right of free speech and right to practice any faith, or no faith, are foundational American values that must extend to everyone…” – Member of the Congressional Prayer Caucus

National Prayer Points

A National Win For Our Heritage And Religious Freedom

Pensacola Cross Will Stand!  The federal appeals court for Florida reversed itself and held that a cross in the city park that has been there for over 70 years without complaint until an atheist filed suit did not have to be removed.  The reversal occurred because, after the court first had said it had to be removed, the case was appealed to the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court sent it back for reconsideration after it upheld the constitutionality of a large cross in a Maryland park, noting that taking down a cross in such circumstances could be seen as hostility to religion.  Thanks for your faithful prayers for this situation!

Supreme Court Can Protect Religious Schools: 

CPCF Joins Supreme Court Brief Supporting Religious Organizations.  CPCF’s legal team filed a brief in the Supreme Court in support of two Catholic schools in California who had been sued by their former teachers who deviated from the schools’ teaching and practice.  The ability of churches and church schools to decide, without challenge, who should be their employees is called the “ministerial exception” doctrine, and CPCF’s legal team argued that the doctrine should apply to any organization with a religious purpose and to any employee that the religious organization decides needs to share the organization’s faith and practice if its mission is to be best accomplished.

 Supreme Court Will Decide Fate Of Faith-Based Foster Care

International Prayer Points

Prayers for Ambassador Brownback, Secretary Mike Pompeo And Their Families And Staff

Christians See ‘Alarming’ Trend Worldwide As China Builds ‘Blueprint Of Persecution’

India: Court Acquits Indian Pastors Falsely Accused Of Kidnappings, Forced Conversions

Open Doors World Watch List: Read The Full Report

State Praise and Prayer Points

Religious Liberty Legislation: Continue praying consistently and fervently for the successful passage of legislation that effectively protects our Judeo-Christian heritage and First Amendment Rights. Also, pray that bills and resolutions that undermine our Rights will be unsuccessful.

The CPCF legal team has researched best practices legislation and provided talking points on various religious freedom topics to assist legislators. Download the NEW Report. View a model school invocation policyWV: Anti-Religion Group Triggered By State Legislature’s Harmless Invocation

Prayer for the American Prayer Caucus Network and CPCFoundation

The CPCF helps build and support a nationwide network of nearly 1,000 federal and state elected leaders who are standing for faith and impacting the culture. Please join us in praying daily for them, their families, and staff.

Each week Congress is in session, members of Congressional Prayer Caucus meet before votes to pray in Room 219 of the U.S. Capitol. Please pray for the CPC to continue to grow and be increasingly effective for generations to come. 

The Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation

Join the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation Prayer Team! 

Email me to join the CPCF Prayer Team! Commit to praying for the Members and families of the Congressional Prayer Caucus, The American Prayer Caucus Network, and the CPCFoundation.

Bipartisan Prayer for Government

Pray For Our President And All Those In Authority  Include: Judicial Branch, Legislative Branch, Executive Branch, Military, Faith Leaders, First Responders, Etc.

One Voice Prayer 

National Day of Prayer

Intercessors for America 

PrayerSurge Now

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners

Prayer for Anti-Faith Groups

Freedom From Religion Foundation
American Civil Liberties Union
American Humanists Association
American Atheists
Secular Coalition for America
Military Religious Freedom Foundation
Southern Poverty Law Center
