Current Issues
March 20, 2019

The Department of Education will no longer bar religious organizations from serving as contract providers due solely to their religious affiliation, U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos announced in her recent Press Release.

Now, religious organizations may seek to contract with school districts to provide services that include special education, tutoring, mentoring and more. This is a big opportunity and we intend to help individuals take every advantage of this open door.

“The Trinity Lutheran decision reaffirmed the long-understood intent of the First Amendment to not restrict the free exercise of religion,” said Secretary DeVos. “Those seeking to provide high-quality educational services to students and teachers should not be discriminated against simply based on the religious character of their organization.”

This decision is largely due to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia, Inc. v. Comer that reaffirmed that the government must remain neutral with regards to religion and may not intentionally exclude organizations because of their religious affiliation. Members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus, including CPCF President Congressman Randy Forbes, submitted an amicus brief in this case.

We appreciate the efforts of Secretary Devos and the Department of Education for ensuring the Free Exercise of Religion is properly applied in the public square.