Current Issues
Does the 1st Amendment apply to People of Faith?
December 23, 2009

In the case of a North Carolinahigh school student, yes.

The story:

“A North Carolina high school is backing down after a pro-life legal group helped a pro-life student who faced a revocation of her free speech rights. The female student wanted to participate in the Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity sponsored by Stand True Ministries.Theday is an opportunity for students to wear red tape or armbands to show their solidarity with unborn children who can’t speak for themselves.

It features pro-life t-shirts and fliers explaining how abortion kills unborn children and has adversely impacted society. This student wore a T-shirt with the word “abortion” crossed out and distributed her fliers during non-instructional time to her classmates that explained her pro-life views.”

The support that the Body of Christ can provide is unbelievable. When we are knitted together in love (Col.2:2), the Kingdom of God can advance in a powerful way. One for all… and all for ONE  – Jesus Christ.

For full story: