Current Issues

Did You Miss the TeleBriefing? Audio Provided
May 12, 2016

Every day brings new opportunities to make a difference in the fight for our First Amendment rights, and this Wednesday

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Lawmakers Confront Big Business Over Religious Freedom
May 4, 2016

Sadly, Georgia Governor Nathan Deal recently vetoed a religious liberty bill (HB 757) that, “would have safeguarded clergy members from having

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Second Annual LIFFT America Summit a HUGE Success!
March 4, 2016

Our time is now and our place is here! Government leaders who believe in our religious freedoms, believe in this

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National Congressional Telebriefing Hits the Mark! Audio Provided
February 11, 2016

  Yesterday government leaders, ministry leaders, and key individuals joined members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus on an important Natl.

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South Carolina Launches Prayer Caucus!
January 22, 2016

Over 30 state leaders, including Lt. Governor McMaster, Attorney General Wilson, Secretary Hammond, several other constitutional officers as well as

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