Current Issues
Religious Freedom Protected in Tennessee
June 2, 2018

Freedom to believe in God, and practice that faith in public, have been protected again in two ways because of the strong leadership of Tennessee legislators.

Tennessee legislators, including several members of the Legislative Prayer Caucus, amended the Tennessee code to strengthen the protection of their citizens so that the government cannot demand a clergy member hand over their sermons and notes, or testify about them. This rightfully prevents the state from using the clergy’s preaching to convict them of a crime.

Another Amendment expands the requirements around Bible Curriculum in schools, including requiring the State Board of Education to post Bible curriculum information on its website and alert the parents and students about its availability.

In the day when it seems education is going in the wrong direction, it is refreshing to hear about legislators and a governor who recognize that the common-sense approach to our current problems starts with encouraging a well-rounded education, which includes access to Biblical teaching.

Religious freedom is the cornerstone of the American way of life, and leaders like these join leaders since our founding who rightfully proclaim that religion and morality are indispensable pillars of our free Republic.