Current Issues
Remember it is ‘In God We Trust’
September 14, 2015

The nation’s police force has been in the spotlight for months now. As a (1)ponse to the ongoing threats and violence directed toward law enforcement members around the country, this month, one police department in Childress, a small, rural and conservative community in the Texas panhandle, has decided to acknowledge where they put their trust and Who that trust is in. Police Chief, Adrian Garcia, indicated, “It’s time we get back to where we once were,” and then made a decision to place, “In God We Trust” decals on the bumpers of all his patrol cars. Garcia’s decision mirrors that of police and sheriff’s departments all over the country.

In Randolph County, Missouri, Sheriff Mark Nichols made his decision to add the decal to his fleet out of a sense of patriotism, “It’s our nation’s motto and we want to be patriotic toward our country.” Likewise, law enforcement agencies in Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Illinois, North Carolina and Virginia are all standing up and saying, “Enough!” For Gary Parsons, the sheriff in Lee County, Virginia, “It’s not only a symbol of moral values, but also a symbol of patriotism.”

Will you stand with these courageous officers who faithfully protect the public and put themselves into harm’s way every time they wear that badge? Encourage them. Pray for them. Consider following their lead by displaying our National Motto on your car. Join hundreds of thousands who have already placed an “In God We Trust” window cling on their car.

Time and again, anti-faith individuals cry out in predictable, but false allegations, that decisions like the one made by these sheriffs, violate the, “separation of church and state.” Numerous legal challenges from these groups continue to be dismissed by the courts, who recognize the historical significance of our national motto and that it does not constitute an endorsement for a particular religion. These victories support the right of American citizens to display the motto, even in government buildings and public schools.

When it comes to moral conviction and ethics, Bay County Florida Sheriff, Frank McKeithen believes, “That’s what law enforcement is supposed to be about. We still pray. We pray before we go to a horrible situation where we think someone could get hurt or killed.” When several locals protested his use of the “In God We Trust” decals, McKeithen responded by saying, “I will drive just as fast to your house as to the preacher’s house if you need help.”

We are asking all our supporters and those who are standing in the gap for freedom, to display an “In God We Trust” window cling on your car. Let your friends and family know that you are standing with the sheriffs. Send it out through your social networks.  #InGodWeTrust #USA

cap coverCongressional Prayer Caucus Founder and Co-Chair, Rep. Randy Forbes (VA) commented, “The words [In God We Trust] can be ripped off all of our buildings and still, those Judeo-Christian principles are so interwoven in a tapestry of freedom and liberty that to begin to unravel the one is to unravel the other.”

We must stand firm in the face of adversity. We must stand firm in the fight for our religious freedoms. We must stand firm in our support of those who face these battles every day in the marketplace, the courts and the halls of power. We must stand firm against those who give lip service to tolerance and then are anything but tolerant toward those who love and trust God.

Yes America, In God We Do Still Trust.